Service Agreements
TPRシリーズは全て同じソフトウェアが使用。フィーダーおよびタレットの設計により、MUPS(Multiple Unit Pellet System)錠剤にも適しています。
新たにアップグレードされたコンパクトモデルで、高い柔軟性、操作性の向上、および先進的なオペレーター保護を提供します。研究開発および臨床生産活動に最適ですが、小規模から中規模の生産環境の要件にも対応します。約230,000錠/時の生産能力を持ち、二層錠も製造可能です。オプションとして、OEB 3保護キャビン、グローブポートアクセス、乾式清掃の可能性も提供しています。
FlexiTab XLは、研究開発および剤形はざいけいかいのための単一パンチ機として、さまざまな形状の錠剤やオブロング錠を製造することができます。最大3種類の有効成分(API)を複数層にわたって使用することが可能で、強化されたDAQソフトウェアにより分析も行います。
TPR200のアップグレード版で、高い柔軟性とコンパクトなデザインが特長です。改良されたハンドリングと高度なオペレーター保護機能により、研究開発および小~中規模の製造バッチに最適です。オプションとして、グローブポートアクセスとドライクリーニングが可能なOEB 3保護キャビンがあり、二層錠の製造も可能です。
This single station tablet press with enhanced DAQ software is designed for R&D and galenics. As a single punch machine, the FlexiTab XL is ideal for early stage tablet development, clinical trial batches, the screening of powders or granules for subsequent product development, as well as the assessment of multi-layer drug dosing and characterization of powder properties. A large range of tablet and oblong shapes can be produced creating many layers, using up to three APIs. The formulator can manually or automatically sequence tablet production.
TPR 200 is a highly flexible and robust rotary tablet press for both R&D and small to medium size production batches. Thanks to a small footprint, this highly efficient tablet compression machine is economic and very compact. It is capable of producing approx. 230,000 tablets per hour, including bi-layer tablets with a set of conversion parts. The machine is easy to operate and to clean. Its range of functions is optimized to suit all tablet manufacturers who want to improve their Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).
This highly flexible tablet press for medium and large production batches is the optimal solution for high productivity and quality combined with excellent usability. Reduced maintenance and cleaning efforts thanks to its hygienic design, as well as fast and easy changeovers enable you to better focus on production. The TPR 500 provides high output and yield capabilities at an excellent price-performance ratio. With a 56 station die table, the tablet press can produce up to 403,200 tablets per hour with standard tooling on a very small footprint. Our unique integrated die technology enables you to produce up to 16 mm tablets.
The TPR 700 is the largest tablet press of the TPR series and capable of producing more than a million tablets per hour. This highly flexible machine is suited for a wide range of compressible products including pharmaceutical, confectionery (mints), nutraceutical (vitamins), medicated lozenges and non-pharmaceutical materials. The high speed, double-sided press features the latest technological advances in hardware and software. It can also produce bi-layer tablets with a set of conversion parts. Reduced width corner pillars provide excellent access to the production area. When using the exchangeable turret option, you can achieve an even wider range of tablet sizes and outputs.
当社の自動調整可能な粉体供給システムとAPDソフトウェアは、製薬メーカーにとって、各製品に最適なプロセスパラメータを決定し、それを生産機に簡単に転送できる完全なパッケージを提供します。Design of Experiments(DoE)に基づいたAPDツールは、従来よりも少量の製品で、より迅速かつ正確な結果を得ることができます。この新しい粉体供給システムは、特にTPR 200に合わせて設計されています。
The FlexiTab XL is a very versatile single punch tablet press, capable of producing tablets with single, two and even three layers.
Syntegon’s TPR tablet press series answers the growing need for high efficiency, easy maintenance and operation – from R&D and pilot scale to high volumes.
A highly flexible tablet press for both R&D and small to medium size production batches.
Our TPR tablet press series offers an optional data acquisition (DAQ) system with a state-of-the-art control and motion concept.
Our portfolio covers solid pharmaceutical processing and production: blending API with excipients, formulation preparation, granulation and particle coating, capsule filling, tableting and tablet coating.
Syntegon’s R&D machine portfolio covers all process steps: mixing, granulating, drying, tablet pressing and coating, pellet manufacturing, capsule filling and banding.
Industry requirements and containment solutions for OSD forms
A sophisticated approach to laboratory automation.
「持続可能性、効率性、デジタル化、安全性、柔軟性」は、産業における重要なトレンドです。 私たちは自社の技術やノウハウを活用して、これらの課題に対する解決策を開発し、未来の製造業を形作っています。